Thursday, August 27, 2015


Day 6 steroid free and Oscar's skin is getting itchier by the hour! Last night his eyelids became puffy and his body had a wee sprinkling of eczema all over. We decided to give him his first dose of Methotrexate, this will help suppress Oscar's Immune system in the hope that he won't flare as much. We have been told he will need to be on this at least for a year. This will give his Immune system time to 'reset' itself hopefully.
As you can see by the photo these pills are so tiny. How can something so tiny be so strong! The pharmacist told Andrew to make sure no one pregnant even touches the pills...I'm sure Andrew was very quick to inform her this wouldn't be an issue!
Oscar didn't want to take his new medicine, he screamed and cried which is very unusual for him. I watched him swallow the pills and burst out crying! I didn't let Oscar see this though. Such a horrible feeling watching your child put toxic, chemotherapy drugs into his wee system. I know it's low dose and I know it's common practice for severe patients but when it's your child it's not a nice feeling. All the what if's etc..I can't think like that though, I have to be positive for Oscar and I have to believe we are making the right decision for him as we have run out of options. This was Option 'Z'.
Lastnight was an unsettled one. Oscar woke numerous times but only briefly each time. He was tired this morning and asked when the new medicine will make him feel better. His poor wee face is red and his wee eyes are all puffy and swollen. The drug takes 6-8 weeks to take complete effect but some people start to see results after a couple of weeks. So next Thursday Oscar will take another two pills, then will need a blood test on Saturday to check his liver and kidney function. If this is fine then he will start the following week on three pills weekly. He also takes half a folic acid pill half way through the week, this can help counteract potential side effects. We are also buying some oregano oil drops as this will hopefully do the same.
So lots going on right now in Oscars wee body. Fingers and toes crossed that the next couple of months brings less itch for our brave boy.

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