Wednesday, March 23, 2016


Oscar is officially 6 months steroid free and Harry is 5 months. What an achievement for our wee boys. We are very proud of how far they have come. Oscar is on night three of putting himself to sleep so once this is established he will hopefully be able to start the night off in his bed. Oscar's eczema bits have flared up again. He has eaten mandarins this week so I'm wondering if this is the cause- wild stab in the dark really! Oscar has been complaining of being tired this week (more than usual that is) and has been very unsettled at school drop off, crying and not wanting me to leave. It doesn't help that we are usually late every day as he doesn't wake until anywhere between 8-10am! I'm hoping it will blow over and he will be happy at drop off again. I know he's fine once I have left thankfully and I know that he does love school.

Harry is still happy enough but he's made a mess of his neck and behind his ears - to the point that he's rubbed so much he has lost some of his hair. This shows how intense the itch must be. I have also discovered today he has blisters on the tips of some of his fingers and thumbs from rubbing so much.  He's also had another go at one of his feet today. Harry is back to having a terrible stench about him. His room smells after his day sleep and at night, even Oscar and Charlie have commented that Harry smells! From time to time I feel nauseous when I get a wift of him! It's so hard to describe. It's like he radiates heat and when you walk into his bedroom it feels almost humid and I just can't figure out the words to describe the smell! He's not oozing at the moment but still has a distinct smell to his skin. I'm sure this will reduce as he continues to heal.

Overall he's come such a long way too and I can't wait to see what both Harry and Oscar's skin looks like in a few months time. I was hoping to do a slideshow of photos of the boys skin from six months ago to now but haven't had the time so will post this in a few days.

Lastly thank you for reading this blog. Today marks just over 5000 hits! It's quite humbling knowing people care enough to take the time to check in on us. Thank you for the lovely comments on here and via Facebook from family, friends and People we don't know. Kind words and encouragement help us to keep focused on the end prize, itchy free, steroid free, drug free... happy children!

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