Saturday, April 16, 2016


The last week has been the best week we have had in terms of sleep in years! We tried the sedating antihistamines again and they seemed to have worked. Previously for both boys there had been no relief with the use of it. Another sure sign they are healing. Harry usually wakes every couple of hours then is particularly unsettled from around 10pm until 4 or 5am but he's has had a few nights of sleeping from 7 until midnight. This is huge for him. Andrew and I need to learn to go to bed at 7! Oscar has had another week of reasonable sleeps and massive sleep ins. Anywhere from 9 until lunch time! His body clearly needs it...although he does have a few years to make up! The downside is getting late to school as Oscar is unsettled and upset walking into class late. I found another bar in his bag yesterday. It hadn't been open but it makes me wonder what is being eaten at school that we are unaware of. I'm looking forward to school holidays next week as I know we will be completely in control of Oscar's food.
Oscar finished his first term of keyboard lessons this week. They had a little concert for parents showcasing what the children have learnt. I was so proud watching him.  He has learnt so much already and hopefully he will continue with this interest as sports are too hard at the moment. Oscar wouldn'tbe able to consistently turn up to practices and games and would end up sweating then he would suffer with itch! I'm hopeful next year he will be able to join a sports team.
We only realised a few weeks
ago that Harry has lost most of his eyebrows! He has very fear eyebrows anyways but it wasn't until we were looking through photos that I realised! He has also lost a lot of hair, in particular behind his ears where he rubs lots. I know it will grow back but have a feeling it will get worse before it gets better as he rubs so much on his head. He has had short day sleeps lately and I only figured out yesterday that he's not sleeping. He fell asleep in the car yesterday so I knew he hadn't slept in bed yet he was in there for 45 minutes. I checked him after ten minutes today and sure enough he was on the floor in his room scratching. He had managed to take most of his clothes off even with his sleeves on. Harry's overall appearance is amazing. The problem areas are his wee feet and wrists as these are easy places to access and rub, even with his sleeves on he can do so much damage.  It seems the oozing stage is over unless he rubs himself raw.  The flaking of skin is slowed down significantly too. I honestly feel we are over the worst of tsw with Harry. He's happy, energetic, independent and can be distracted from the itch from time to time. I wonder how long the itch will stay for?

School holidays next week so hopefully we can have some fun family days out and about exploring paradise around us.

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