Wednesday, June 29, 2016


That we are getting some decent sleep! Both Harry and Oscar are doing well. Oscar has had a few nights of sleeping right through but is mostly waking a couple of times a night and only briefly. Gone are the days of him being awake all night long itching like crazy and me patting like crazy, being too scared to move as the slightest of movement would wake him only to itch for another hour or two! Harry is sleeping longer and unbelievably slept right through until 7.30 a.m the other night- this was a first for him! I'm waking up now not feeling like I'm stuck in a haze and it dawned on me the other day while I was driving to school how clear it was out the window..because my eyes were in focus and I wasn't driving completely exhausted. Looking back on things there were certainly many mornings that I should probably not have been behind the wheel with my precious wee people in the car. However I'm positive those days might be behind us now. I am struggling to fall asleep at night as I'm just not used to the boys sleeping. I'm waiting for the sounds of hacking and crying. This has been our life for six years so I imagine it will take a bit for our bodies to adapt to such a change. Andrew is waking in the early hours of the morning and can't fall back asleep. He's used to only a few hours of broken sleep a night so his body is probably waking after four or five hours of quality sleep ready to start the day!
Oscar and Harry had their blood tests this week. I thought it would be easier to get them done together when I booked them in..anyone with three boys, or three children will understand how hard such a task can be but as we didn't have to wait long the boys were great! Phew. We got through the blood tests relatively unscathed. The nurses were relieved they drew blood first time round- we have had a few incidents of this not happening and Oscar understandably gets upset. Last round they had two attempts on Harry and I think it hurt me more than him having to watch him! Tonight at the dinner table Charlie told me he felt like crying watching Oscar and Harry have their blood tests. I didn't even think for a second how he might feel watching them! I'm so glad he was able to tell me how he was feeling. From here on in I will book the boys blood tests on a day that Charlie is at Kindy!
Harry's wee body has got worse as today has gone on. His entire back is red and splotchy and he's terribly uncomfortable. Last night Andrew heard Harry scratching and went to check on him to realise the noise he actually heard was Harry grinding his teeth in his sleep while rubbing his feet together. Poor wee man. It takes six-eight weeks for the methotrexate to build up and work properly. I can't wait to see my baby itchy free.
Oscar has been slightly itchier the last couple of days and I can't put it down to anything. ..but on a very positive note,  finally after nine weeks there are no more stomach complaints. Thank goodness! Oscar's  doing very well at getting to school too. He's only had one day off over the last two weeks and I'm hoping he will get to the end of this week. Oscar's happy to say goodbye when I drop him off. It makes such a big difference walking away knowing he's not crying. This has to be by far the quickest term we have had with Oscar missing so much school. I really hope next term doesn't bring any nasty winter bugs. One week until we get to have a couple of weeks going on some fun family adventures.
So proud of this strong and brave wee guy. 

Harry got this water trough for Christmas. This is the first time he's been able to play with it!

Recovering from an itchy episode 

A day trip to Queenstown 

A fun outing to the Toy and Transport Museum 

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