Wednesday, September 27, 2017


A couple of weekends ago we went for a play at the park. There was a grass hill there and Charlie and Oscar started rolling down it. As soon as I saw Oscar on the grass I panicked as this would usually result in a trip to the doctors for prednisone as Oscar's reaction would be a bright red burning rash over his entire body for days.
Oscar had shorts and a t shirt on too, I let him play on the grass for a few minutes before asking him to play at the park.
There was no immediate rash thankfully but sure enough half an hour later his arms and legs came out in a rash. We quickly went home and Oscar had antihistamines and a shower. He also had welts on his stomach. A couple of quiet hours and he came right. Reaction over! What a massive relief. This is Oscar's first allergic reaction since coming off the immunesuppressants and it was a totally 'normal' and managable one.
We are drying clothes inside and in the dryer at the moment as there is so much pollen around. It's not worth the risk as this week Oscar's skin is the itchiest it's been in months. Harry's skin is too. This could be because Harry decided to help himself to peanut the spoonful!
I am so grateful our days of debilitating allergy reactions are over.

Charlie is also rundown at the moment. His mouth is full of wee ulcers and he had a temperature over the weekend and is very tired this week. One more day and then school holidays..wahoo.
Oscar's reaction to grass

Oscar's legs this week

Harry's arm

Harry's feet are still itchy.  No where near as bad as they used to be! 

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